Running with Patience
"Let us run with patience, endurance, perseverance..."
Hebrews 12:1
I remember the “track meets” in the latter grades of public school, where a number of schools from our country area would meet, usually on a Friday. There was excitement in the air and more than a fair share of boasting that our school would emerge as the victor and take the trophy which would sit in the display case in the hall outside of the Principal’s Office.
After spending two happy years in Grade 7, I graduated to Grade 8. I was glad to get rid of my Grade 7 teacher (I know she felt the same about me). Mr. Schoeman, my Grade 8 teacher, took a special interest in me both academically and in sports. I was given a spot on his track and field team. I loved the relay race; it was probably seeds being planted in me for what I have given my life to, in team development. His challenge to the four of us on the team was, “Boys, run with all you have and yet have patience, to ensure you handoff well”.
There are smells, sights, and sounds which trigger memories in our brains. I look through old books like the Danny Orlis Series, which I still have, and a picture immediately takes me back to when I was reading that book; I needed to get through it, for the next month a new one would arrive in the mail.
Hebrews 12:1 does exactly this for me; it takes me back to Echo Bay Public School and preparing for the relay race.
Running with patience is very difficult! Actually, the word “running” does not connect with the word patience which we view more as a resting, passive word. Yet, I believe Jesus wants us to see this a bit different, especially in these days of Covid. We need a kind of patience, that is much more difficult to grasp; it is a patience that runs.
The Greek word for “run” is “trechos”. This is not walking, rather, running fast, pressing into the race with eyes fixed on the finish line. It is not easy and it takes all you have.
The Greek word for “patience” is “hupomeno”. I have written about this in past devotionals and it is used over and over in the New Testament and implies endurance. It comes from two words meaning to be under and to stay in one spot. Put them together and you have the picture of a person under a very heavy load, standing firm.
These two words appear to work against each other, don’t they? Yet, the message which the Holy Spirit is wanting us to understand is this. In order to stay in a race, there is a wrestling of emotions, as your mind can scream at you, give up, throw in the towel, quit! I am tired and I do not need this anymore. It is just too difficult, and I did not sign up for this. It is taking longer than expected and my emotional energy tank is depleted.
Are you with me? I am tired of Covid. I love to teach and pastor and I am not able to do this like I did before. I never signed up for this race. I spend my day doing things and then say, what did I do today? I plan and then need to change my plans, and this is happening more and more.
I also am deeply concerned for our US neighbours and what will emerge from this election; I do not see any winners. There will be an impact on us in Canada.
Thanks for allowing me to vent. Hebrews 12:1 brings me back to running with patience.
Jesus is saying the following to you and I (I know that I am not alone in my thinking). It is what I am hearing from the Holy Spirit; I know I need His voice and you do as well.
“Bruce, my plan for your life holds only victory. I have made total provision to fulfil what I am asking of you. I have not called you to quit and I am running alongside of you. You need to understand and accept, that yes, I want you to plan and yet, I also want you to be resilient and to trust me when those plans need to change and keep running with patience; hang in there and watch the battle of your mind; oh I say that again, WATCH THE BATTLE OF YOUR MIND. My ways are not your ways and Covid did not take Me by surprise. Neither did any election. Bruce, quitting is not an option; get your eyes lifted from the few steps in front of you and see the finish line; focus on Me.”
Let me give you a few questions to reflect on as we run together.
What would you say are your success factors 6 months from now? You cannot be thinking of 3-5 years out right now.
If Emotional Energy has a gauge, where are you on a scale of 1 – 10? What do you need to do in the next 4 weeks to move it even 1 point higher?
Can you think of one person who needs your encouragement right now; to be strengthened to keep running with patience? Pick up your phone and send them a text; or call them, or even right them a note; today, handwritten notes have an impact. When you give to someone else, it has such a positive impact on you in return
~ Bruce