Aligning my Words and Heart to Not Doubt
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
James 1: 6 NIV
When we were building our small country church, Faith Baptist in Echo Bay, an artist donated her time to paint a large scene behind the pulpit, of a river winding through a meadow. It still is there - a picture of peace, serenity, and calm.
I remember our Pastor preaching on James 1:6 and contrasting it with the picture behind him. It was a message on the danger of doubting.
If ever I need to focus on this verse, it is over the weeks leading into Christmas. Yes, this will be an “Uncommon Christmas” and yet I want to give you a “Christmas Motto” which you can place on your fridge, your mirror, or wherever it will be continually in front of you. Here it is!
I refuse to be moved off my position of faith! The Word of God is true, and I am not going to back off; I am going to stand my ground on who I believe God is and He is my ever-present Help today and through these next weeks.
The word for doubt in Greek is long, “diakrinomai”, and it means to differ or to be in variance with one’s self. You could look at it this way. Your mouth may be saying all the right words, but your heart is not in agreement. Until both mouth and heart align, you are doubting.
I do not know about you, however, my mouth, and really my mind, and my heart have been drifting at times one from the other.
Linda, a special friend of ours shared a dream which she had a few weeks ago. It is so powerful and has been a huge help to align my mind and heart. With her permission, I am sharing it in her words.
"As I was praying to the Lord pleading with him to restore our son’s faith and trust in Him, the Lord gave me this picture.
Our son was on the narrow path, but a huge net (doubt) had covered and entrapped him. Then two large nail-pierced hands ripped open the net to free our son."
“So if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed” John 8:36 This verse is an encouraging promise as we bring our loved ones to Him in prayer.
Linda was given this dream for her family. I believe it is also for us who are struggling with doubt in this season.
What do you want and need based on what God promises in His Word? Name it and then pray in faith and picture Linda’s dream as a direct message from Jesus, as He rips the net which is covering you with His nail-pierced hands.
May these Sundays of Advent instill hope, peace, joy, and love where all your doubts dissolve in the reality of the Christ Child.