As Long As I Have Breath

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Following the remembrance and celebration of Easter weekend, I like to focus on what the new day was like for Jesus, and what was He about?

This year, is particularly impactful, for if ever we are in a new day and still not through it, Covid, is it. I have been thinking about what my “new normal” will look like, as I come though this. As I have written previously, it will not be business as usual, for we will be different. 

I love the story of the two on the Emmaus Road. I suspect it was Cleopas and Mary, who is mentioned in John 19:24 ( one , cannot be certain, however, I am choosing to believe it was this husband and wife ).  Jesus chooses, to spend His first day walking about 12 kms from Jerusalem to Emmaus, with this couple; amazing! Their story, describes for me that Jesus is alive in our time and yet not limited to it.

I know I have diversity of ages as part of my reader group, however, I want to focus on my demographic of the 55+ this week.

What do we need to be thinking and processing for our “New Normal”? Here are a few thoughts, which I am working through.

  1. Over the Covid weeks, margin has been created for us, where perhaps, we had minimal space, for our lives are so full of things, schedules, etc. I don’t know about you, I had very little capacity for God to introduce newness to me.

  2. The word Resurrection comes from the Greek word “Anastasis “, which actually means to rise up or stand up. What do I need to release, change, let go of, in order to be able to stand up, in this new day? 

  3. As Cleopas and Mary walked with Jesus, it was only the 3 of them. They had time to listen, to talk, to process, for they had left the masses and busyness of Jerusalem. Friends, quietness is how we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. A close friend quoted Dallas Willard to me, “ God, does not compete for our attention”.

  4. Jesus makes His Presence known to this couple as He broke bread with them. There is a breakthrough which happens as Jesus uses the bread and wine to open their eyes. I want the observance of the Lord’s Table, which we do monthly, to have new meaning to me, and to understand in a deeper way, the power it has to open my eyes, and I believe also to heal, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

  5. Cleopas and Mary immediately returned back to Jerusalem. They would never be the same again. They had new insights and I wonder, what their new path would look like going forward. I need to be thinking of the specifics, this means for me. Here are 3 steps, I am taking; you can decide what you should do.

  1. What is preventing me from “standing up” and what do I need to release? Write them down.

  2. What are a couple of “new path ideas”, which I want to act on? Again, write them down.

  3. Prepare to observe Communion in a new way, meaning anticipating and being expectant of how the Holy Spirit will open our eyes in new ways, to help me breakthrough, until I return to the table;  to also bring healing for myself and others.

I was reading Ephesians 2: 1-7 this morning. Verse 6, tells me, that I live “in between”. I have a foot here and a foot in that heavenly realm. I wonder what the percentage has been for me? Has it been 99/1? I do know, it has leaned more on this earth. Lord, help me to reverse the ratio.
