Five Practical Needs to Have Balance

Five Practical Needs to Have Balance


But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. - John 15: 7   The Message

On the side of a hill, about a twenty-minute hike in from a secluded bay on Long Lake, which adjoins the lake where our family “Sugar Shack” is in Northern Ontario, there is “Balancing Rock”. My grandfather found it many years ago, while hunting in the area and we have made numerous trips there. Don’t ask some of my family about a trip, I was leading and we got hopelessly lost; that is another story.

This rock stands about 20 feet high and about the same in circumference and it is perfectly balanced on a ledge. When there, we climb on top of it and get it rocking back and forth. I can only imagine how it got there. Our names are carved into the stone shelf underneath, protected from the elements.

I have stood and looked at this phenomenon and thought about balance. The picture has been more in my mind through the COVID weeks. We as a staff at the church recently shared what John 15: 7 means to us these days.

I feel at home when back at those lakes in Ontario; I grew up there. Feeling at home, “abiding” and trusting God to meet my tangible needs are connected. I would suggest there is a fine balance, where we know the promises of God and then trusting that they are not insubstantial. Am I “at home with God?” If He has spoken, will He not fulfill it?

The word ask is the Greek word “aiteo” and it means to be adamant in requesting tangible needs, such as food, shelter, finances, etc.

The balance is the “abiding” and being so transformed that our prayers are in accordance with what He has already said. Jesus has plainly said in Matthew 6:33 that if we seek His Kingdom, God will provide what we need.

During this pandemic, I know there are many needs; I hear from some of you and pray with you. Denise and I also have needs and here are 5 practical Needs I am attempting to practice, to have balance; to make myself at home with Jesus and ask Him for what I need.

1.    I need to manage my perceptions and one way I do this is by returning to my life verses, one of which I shared with you in my pervious devotional

2.    I need to understand the reality of the battle of my mind; it is where the enemy is doing his work today

3.    I need to continually journal what I am thankful for

4.    I need to be on guard for “Being versus Doing”, especially in these days. My focus this summer is more on Being than Doing

5.    I need to take this Summer as a Base Camp, where I make myself at home with Jesus and allow His words and promises to be at home with me. Constantly striving and living in the uncertainty of what COVID will mean for this fall is draining. Jesus says, “ Come to me, and I will give you rest.”

Where do you need balance today? What voices are you listening to? The power of the Holy Spirit lives in you and knows what you need. May we be great listeners.


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