And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1: 4
A few years back, I wrote the following and also spoke on it. I recently was drawn back to the theme of “Perseverance” as we journey into the fall and also as I have a milestone birthday. Funny, how these dates come up sooner than you think.
Denise and I have twice stood at the top of Masada looking out over the Dead Sea and marveled at both the Judean countryside and at this amazing site. There is a reverence one feels as you understand what happened here. In some ways, it is holy. Tourists are quiet as they wander through the ruins.
Masada stands for absolute focus and hanging in there when the odds are stacked against you. It is as the Bible translates steadfastness or patience in James 1:4.
It is the Greek word HUPOMENO. Hupo means under and Meno means abide or to stay. It was used in the military sense and it is about stick-to-it-iveness, staying power, following through, hanging in there, when the heat is on.
As one follows the story of Masada, the word Hupomeno is a descriptor of the Jewish Zealots, who led by Eleazar ben Yair, hung in there even to their death. Modern Israeli soldiers still make nighttime pilgrimages to this site as part of their initiation into the military.
I must confess, I do have a small stone which I picked up from the site and I am looking at it as I write you on this September morning.
As the numbers of this pandemic increase, our children return to school, and anxiety heightens, what tangible reminder could you choose which would focus you on the reality of God’s goodness and that He will see you through. Yet, I know that I need each of you to encourage me, cheer me on, pray for me, support me when I fall, and when you do this, I am able to be an example of Hupomeno; to be resilient.
Blessings and stick-to-it. Be steadfast.
Here are a few questions to process over these two weeks and into the fall.
I know that I struggle with patience, especially as I wait. What do you need stick-to-it-iveness for at this moment? We were never meant to journey through this life solo. Who could you ask to pray for you this week?
What are examples of Hupomeno in your past where you saw God come through, when you hung in there? I know some of you have amazing stories, for you have shared them with me. You might want to share them with others. Why not write them down; seeing them in print plants them in our minds in a tangible way.
The pandemic is a time of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity; VUCA, as one person shared with me. It is in these times when we need to seek God’s face; what does this mean to you?
You might want to do what I have done, and get a tangible object which could sit in some prominent place to remind you of Hupomeno.
~ Bruce