You Belong. You Are Blessed.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3
What does it mean to be an outsider, to not be included?
I suspect many of you could tell a story where you felt this way. I remember lining up on the ball diamond on our school playing field. Two people would be selected as captains (strange, I never was one of those chosen) and they would each take turns in selecting players for their team. I can vividly remember when I was the first person chosen, and also the last person to be taken, as I watched the line dwindle down to me.
To not belong is one of the greatest issues we face.
The culture in the time of Jesus was one of either belonging, or not.
Here are some examples:
The Jew had an immense contempt for the Gentile. If a Jewish boy or girl married a Gentile, their funeral was carried out.
The Wall of Hostility was a physical barrier within the Temple at Jerusalem—an outer court called the Court of the Gentiles had a one and a half metre stone barricade. The words posted were, “Trespassers will be executed.”
There was no way a Gentile could be accepted by Yahweh.
Something changed on Resurrection Sunday. Jesus killed the hostility between man and God. The slain also was the slayer. (Armitage Robinson)
St Augustine writes, “God thirsts to be thirsted for.”
His heart is sensitive, tender, and He celebrates our feeble expressions of gratitude; a cup of cold water, can place tears in the eyes of God. The Letter we call Ephesians is the bridge, the link, which tells us of the reality of God’s lavish love for us.
Dr. Darrell Johnson writes about the powerful meaning of the word “bless” used in Ephesians. It is the Greek word, eulogytos, which is a word that involves the posture of kneeling. To bless means to actually bring a gift to another while kneeling in front of them out of respect. Stretching out your hands, you give them a gift. It was a common word and understood by the early readers of Ephesians.
To bless God is to come into his Presence, kneel in adoration and submission, lift up your hands and offer him a gift – your very self.
Now this same word is used about God coming and blessing you and I.
Get a picture of what this looks like. It is absolutely amazing and also humbling.
God comes to us, kneels before us, stretches out his hands to us and gives us gifts. Yes, lots of gifts. However, the ultimate gift which he gives to bless us as his created beings, is Himself in Jesus.
That picture calls for a “wow!”
My prayer for you this week is, “Let us see Your greatness, so that we can receive it. Help us bow in Your presence in endless wonder and ceaseless praise, to love You as You love us. May you know that you truly and majestically belong” .
No need to wait in line to be selected; you are already on His team. You are not an outsider, rather, you belong! Yes you are blessed!
The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face shine upon you
And be gracious to you
The Lord lift up His countenance on you
And give you peace
Numbers 6: 24-26