Listen to Your Heart

Listen to Your Heart


Tune your ears to the world of wisdom; set your heart on a life of understanding.
Proverbs 2:2 The MSG.

On our back fence of our home, hangs a large red heart.

I tracked down a blacksmith (which is not easy to do) to forge a red heart for Denise for her birthday, to hang on one of our fence panels.

She loves red and she loves hearts.

At times, she will ask me, “What does your heart say on this?”

I recently read the following true account from a heart surgeon.

“After removing a patient’s heart to repair it, he returned it to the chest and began to gently massage it back to life. However, the heart would not restart. More intense measures followed, but the heart still wouldn’t beat. Finally, the surgeon knelt next to the unconscious patient and spoke to her. Miss Johnson, this is your surgeon. The operation went perfectly. Your heart has been repaired. Now tell your heart to beat again. Her heart began to beat.”

Solomon tells us in Proverbs 2:2 to train our hearts to listen.

We live in such a noisy world. It is so difficult and also unnerving to be quiet. In one of my favourite devotionals, the author writes,

“Just because I have listened carefully and intently to one thing from God does not mean that I will listen to everything He says.”

I have been reflecting on this and am focusing on 5 questions.

1. Am I showing God my lack of love and respect by the insensitivity of my heart and mind toward what He is saying to me?

2. Do I really believe that God always hears me?

3. What is getting in the way of my listening ability to God?

4. How am I developing and nurturing my devotion of listening and hearing?

5. At the end of the day, am I deliberately asking myself, what did I hear God say to me today? And then write it down.

Our minds are powerful, and it is amazing that we could tell our physical heart to do something.

We are so fearfully and wonderfully made and know very little about the complexity of our created bodies.

As one author writes, in Psalm 103: 3, we read that our Divine Surgeon has mended our hearts. When fear, depression, condemnation, anxiety come, we should say, “March on! Be strong! Feeble heart, beat again.

February is a month we see hearts.

I pray that my 5 questions, will help you be better listeners and every time, when you see a heart, you will ask yourself, “What have I heard God say recently to me?”

You might also want to place a heart where it is highly noticeable.

If you need the name of a good blacksmith, I have one for you.

Feeble heart, beat again!

~ Bruce

Keep Your Ear on the Rail

Keep Your Ear on the Rail

January 2023

January 2023