Look, God is Doing . . . !
When I was in my pre-teens, my Friday evenings were scheduled for me. My parents facilitated a neighbourhood Bible study in various homes throughout our valley which is located at the foot of Gordon Mountain. Some of these studies were in homes that had no electrical power and the study was by kerosene lamps. Yes, it was like going back in time to "Little House on the Prairie.”
Two Godly teachers, Cy Nott and Ray Triplett, would drive down from Sault Ste Marie to do the teaching and Dad on his accordion, and Cy on his guitar, led the singing from a red hymnal of 1000 Hymns and Choruses. I think we sang every one of them over those Friday nights.
When it was Ray Triplett’s turn to share, I always knew his theme would be the imminent return of Jesus; the rapture of the church. It scared the socks off me, for there was so much I wanted to do with my life and Ray made it sound like Jesus was coming back before he finished speaking.
I now look back on those times and realize how important they were in shaping me.
One of the texts, which Ray often quoted from was Matthew 24:3
“ Tell us, when will all this happen? What sign will signal your return and the end of the world?”
In this pandemic time, I have heard more folks say we are in the last days, and others saying it more emphatically over the air.
It has been over 60 years since those Friday night studies; I process it as follows.
• The word “world” does not refer to the end of the world itself, because the world will never end; however it will be changed. This word in the Greek is “aionos” and refers to an age. The disciples were interested in when this present age would close.
• The word end in the Greek is “suntelos” and means completion, conclusion, culmination; the disciples would have heard it as “the wrap-up”.
• The word sign in the Greek is “semeion” and refers to a guarantee or an authenticating mark. It was used to authenticate a document that it is valid and genuine. It is also a sign that we are approaching a destination, such as, we are 100 kms from Vancouver; that I am heading in the right direction.
So, how do I put all these together?
I believe the last days began at Pentecost when we were given the Holy Spirit; for the past 2000 years we have been in the last days. I also now believe that we are living in the final stages of this period, like the final 2 minutes in the fourth quarter of the Super Bowl. We are on God’s Team as believers. It has never been more important to understand this, for we are “end-time players”; might I use the word “warriors” instead of players. We are here for such a time as this and each of us have been assigned a divine role and that is what I was referring to in my last devotional, to “stay at your posts”; do not waver, give in or leave them.
This means being fully engaged in the local church - being ready to use your life to show to others that you have purpose and hope. To give folks perspective, for they are desperately seeking this, and to evaluate what we are focusing on and how we are using our resources of time, talent, and treasure.
How long before we hear that great trumpet call and Jesus suddenly appears? I do not know and I am not going to predict a time. However, I can hear the wind blowing in the trees. My father would say to me, “Bruce, do you hear that wind, do you see the trees, with their leaves up turned? A storm is coming!”
Yes, we are in the wrap-up of the age and I can hear the wind in the trees; Jesus is coming.
Be encouraged my friends and let’s get our eyes off the pandemic and look to what God is doing, for He is doing a new thing and the wind is blowing.
Looking up with you, my fellow “End-Time Warriors.”