Staying at Your Post
When I was in my late teens I had the opportunity to work at Algoma Steel for the summer, as my father was an employee; it was what the company provided, to the best of their ability, for the children of employees. So much has changed, that opportunity no longer exists.
We may have had some clout in obtaining a summer job, however, once hired, we did not receive any favouritism and went where the foreman “stuck” us. One job was climbing inside a machine, as I was smaller than I am now, to clean it out. I thought I would never get clean again for the rest of my life!
Another job was on a night shift where I needed to watch that hot rolls of steel remained straight; most boring job I have ever had. There was a break in the production, and I decided I needed my own break and left my post for about 30 minutes; I came back to these rolls all over the place. I thought the foreman was going to end my life right there and I purposed I would never complain about my academics again.
In 2 Timothy 4:2, Paul tells his young protégé Timothy, to “Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not”.
The word “prepared” or “instant," as some translations quote, is the Greek word "Ephistemi”. It is a military term and actually means to stand at your post, which speaks to warfare. If God has assigned you to a post, then stand and keep on standing; do not give up an inch.
I so need to be reminded of this verse and the imperativeness of its meaning.
This past week I had to cancel, for the 2nd time, a session with The Gathering, as we suddenly experienced a staff member testing positive. It was a huge disappointment for me, for we were so looking forward to seeing folks return with social distancing and have a morning like we used to have pre-Covid. I am being transparent when I say, it sucks out your energy.
As I write this devotional, I received an email from a colleague in the UK who I have partnered with over the years in leadership; Covid-19 has influenced his decision to call it quits and retire. I can understand his decision.
I have been in Ephesus and it helped me understand more clearly the intense battle the young leader Timothy, found himself in, and I am sure he thought many times about calling it quits. Paul tells him, “Stay at your post! Do not leave where God has placed you.”
Yes, I would be remiss, if I do not think at times, "Do I really want to keep doing this?" Yet, I want to both encourage and challenge you my readers (and myself), hang in there; stay at your post.
If you read 2 Timothy 3:14, Paul tells Timothy to “Remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you can trust those who taught you.”
Yes, these are unprecedented times; I hear this from church leaders, even again this morning on a call from a local church board member. It is different from what Timothy was facing, yet, very real to us.
Each of you are assigned to a post; I have no doubt about this, and it is so important that we are reminded of this and seek to encourage each other to stand firm. Now, standing firm, does not mean always doing the same thing, the same way. No, the message of Jesus is the same, however, we need to be thinking differently of how we serve and equip. The statement of doing the same things, the same way and hoping for different results has never been truer as we serve today. Isaiah 43:18 & 19 says it so much clearer than I can.
“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”
In all of the uncertainty, I do know, that my God is faithful and in absolute control and “Aslan is on the move”. When we stay at our posts, the Holy Spirit is with us and will empower us with inner strength that enables us to see it through to a glorious conclusion. All of your posts are so important to God; do not compare yours to another. God rewards faithfulness. Yes, my friends, God is doing a new thing, right in front of us!
I do wonder at times where that steel ended up. Hopefully, not in any building I know about it.