Weekly Reflection - February 08 & 15

During the pandemic, we hear passionate support for various viewpoints. I overheard someone say quite strongly, “What is truth today? Who can I believe?" I am examining my own heart for that question through the lens of being an overcomer as described in Ephesians Chapter 6.

Overcoming Anxiety with Peace

. . . over these weeks, I am going to share what I am learning about being an Overcomer, to experience renewal and transformation. I have to believe that God has created you and me not to live in defeat, rather, He has given us the supernatural tools to go on the offense.


People are trying to make sense of all the chaos: what the US is experiencing, the differing political opinions on the rollout of the vaccine, extended/increased restrictions . . .

So how do we renew and be “overcomers?”

Three Constants to Dispel Holiday Confusion

This past week I heard the comment, “holiday confusion.” One woman exclaimed in a boisterous way, “I plan, then change, then plan again, and now have given up! What holiday confusion!”

I know we are all trying to make sense of the fluctuating restrictions . . .

Aligning my Words and Heart to Not Doubt

I remember our Pastor preaching on James 1:6 and contrasting it with the picture behind him. It was a message on the danger of doubting.

If ever I need to focus on this verse, it is over the weeks leading into Christmas. Yes, this will be an “Uncommon Christmas” and yet I want to give you a “Christmas Motto” which you can place on your fridge, your mirror, or wherever it will be continually in front of you. Here it is . . .

A Prayer for Christmas 2020

I love Christmas! Always have, always will!

It was a magical time in our valley in the country; we had more snow then. Our small country public school began to prepare for the Season after Thanksgiving and during music classes, we would always sing the seasonal songs, yet, our teachers made sure we also sang the Carols.

I remember the “track meets” in the latter grades of public school, where a number of schools from our country area would meet, usually on a Friday. There was excitement in the air and more than a fair share of boasting that our school would emerge as the victor and take the trophy which would sit in the display case in the hall outside of the Principal’s Office . . .

Six Realities Jesus Wants Us to Know

Over the years I have seen succession planning done well and done poorly. I counsel leaders of all ages to think about their succession and how it needs to be modelled and driven from the top.

Have you ever wondered why Jesus stuck around for forty days after His resurrection? We do not have much written on what He was about during this time, yet we do know from 1 Corinthians 15:6 that on at least one occasion, He appeared to over 500 people.